T-SQL Tuesday 108 Invitation- Non SQL Server Technologies


I am proud and honored to be hosting T-SQL Tuesday again. This monthly blog party started by SQL Guru Adam Machanic since 2009 has completed 100 months this year and am the lucky host of event #108. If you are participating in this month’s party (kindly coordinated by my dear friend Steve Jones (b|t) – please be sure to read the housekeeping rules all the way below that are necessary for participation.

This is also the week of the PASS Summit – the one conference that is still the largest gathering of folks active in the SQL community.  For people like me, who have done the yearly trek to the summit more than a dozen times, it is literally like a family reunion. Aside from these sentiments – what has changed significantly about PASS Summit is that it is no longer a conference entirely dedicated to just SQL Server. There is so much more there – DevOps, Data Science/Machine Learning related, CosmosDB, PowerBI/data visualisation, Entity Framework, Micro Services, on and on. What it indicates is how much data world is expanding and how necessary it is for us to keep up with that. There was a time when I personally wanted to do MCM and retire a SQL Server guru – the MCM went away and right now I know for sure that just insisting on being a SQL Server Guru will not take me very far. I am actively learning how to work with DevOps, PostGres, ElasticSearch, and a number of other things.

So the challenge for this T-SQL Tuesday is – pick one thing you want to learn that is not SQL Server. Write down ways and means to learn it and add it as another skill to your resume. If you are already learning it or know it – explain how you got there and how it has helped you. Your experience may help many others looking for guidance on this.

Below are the rules of the game when you are ready:

  1. Write your post.

  2. Schedule it to be published at some point on Tuesday, November 13th (UTC calendar day).
  3. Include the TSQL Tuesday logo in the top of your post.
  4. Link your post back to this one. Trackbacks should work, but it is a better idea to write a comment with the link on this post. Please give me some time to moderate your comments.
  5. If you are on twitter, tweet a link to your post, adding the #tsql2sday hash tag. Most people filter by hashtag and it increases the visibility of your post by quite a lot.

Look forward to reading your goals and learning from them!! I will publish the summary during the week following the summit. Thanks in advance for participation.